one acre to one hundred acres, every site is unique in its qualities
and purpose. Whether you are a single person with a single horse or
a breeder with a herd of breeding stock, a casual trail rider or a
equestrian center manager, you will likely have questions
about how to build or remodel your farm to best suit the individual
needs of your horse or horses, your clients, your service providers,
and yourself.
It is important to begin with the end in mind. Where to put the buildings,
how to prioritize the improvements to meet your budget and
goals, what the look of the
facility will be, etc., are all obviously
important factors. None of them, however, can be truly decided upon
without first knowing what it is you want to end up with. This requires
a fair bit of soul searching. For example...
"Do I always want to have just one or two horses, or is there a possibility
that somewhere down the line I may want to take in a couple of borders?"
One way of approaching this is to ask yourself - Am I adventurous, or fairly
conservative? Do I value my privacy, or do I enjoy the social aspect boarding
can bring? Are the risks worth the rewards? Do I someday want to try to
profit from all the hard work of horsekeeping, or am I really just looking
to enjoy my horse and my time? These questions may seem unimportant now,
but the more time you think about all the possibilities, the less likely
you will be wishing you had done it differently.
is a lot to consider when planning a horse farm. The
difference between one that works and one that does not is
the many small details that are easy to miss when faced with
the overwhelming amount of decisions you will need to make.

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of other questions that come up in the process of developing your horse
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